Collaborating for a Healthier New Jersey Learning Collaborative
The Learning Collaborative for family medicine and internal medicine residency programs is free and open to any primary care residency program practice. The Collaborative focuses on improving health outcomes by using proven quality improvement methods that lead to measurable improvement to care processes and patient outcomes. Program teams enter quality data into a private website, which produces run charts with analytics in real-time and allow participants to compare their performance to others for learning.
Participation in the Collaborative supports ABFM and ACGME (pages 39 - 41) program requirements for scholarly activity and participation in quality improvement.
The Collaborative runs on an annual cycle from July to June, aligned with residency program annual calendars. Enrollment is open from July 1 to August 31 annually. Contact us to enroll or learn more.
The Residency Program Collaborative started in 2009 and includes family medicine and internal medicine residency practices across New Jersey. We welcome programs from outside NJ.