NJAFP and the New Jersey Department of Health are working on a multi-year initiative funded by the CDC that first educated practices about the availability and efficacy of local diabetes programs, then established referral pathways and now looks to expand again with the goal of measurably improved control.
The CDC’s commitment to Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPP) and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) as a means to improve control and prevention of diabetes means all states are working to expand the availability and quality of DPP and DSME programs. Evidence shows that DSME can lower A1c by teaching patients how to better manage food, exercise and medications (ADA, 2015).
NJAFP began working with the New Jersey Department of Health in 2017 to increase “clinical-community linkages” through education to improve physician awareness and help primary care practices identify local programs to which they could refer. In 2018, NJAFP created a How-To Guide with an official title of “Leveraging Community-Based Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPP) and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) in Primary Care.” The Guide walks a practice through the process of implementing and sustaining referral pathways to DSME and DPP. A 3-webinar education series detailed the guide and how to use PDSA cycles to implement the strategies in the Guide.
NJAFP continues to track the practices that participated in the program as the statewide initiative begins year 3 with a focus on expanding capacity and using technology to improve control that is both measurable and sustainable.
Email us to request your free copy of the How-To Guide. The Guide is free but we respectfully request that you respond to requests for follow up so that NJAFP can track use and success/challenges associated with the guide. Thank you!