NJAFP Mourns the Passing of Kenneth W. Faistl, MD, FAAFP

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Kenneth W. Faistl, MD, FAAFP.

Dr. Faistl was an extraordinary family physician who dedicated his life to caring for others, including those who are often overlooked. Long before the current opioid epidemic, Dr. Faistl went out of his way to work with those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. Starting in the 1980’s he spent 15 years working with the Monmouth County correctional system to provide better medical care for the prison population. Later, in 2016, he became Medical Director/Chief Medical Officer at Turning Point, an addiction treatment facility in Paterson. He did all this while continuing to innovate the delivery of care at his family practice.

During his more than 25 years with the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians, Dr. Faistl served in many leadership positions as a valued member of the Board of Trustees. He has served as NJAFP President, Delegate to the AAFP Congress of Delegates, and was a strong advocate for Family Medicine on the Government Affairs Committee. NJAFP honored Dr. Faistl by presenting him with the Family Physician of the Year Award in 2010. He was also recognized with the NJAFP Chair Award in 2004 signifying his life-long dedication to the Academy and Family Medicine - and the President’s Award in 2011, an honor he shared with colleagues, Joe Schauer, MD and Tom Bellavia, MD for their valuable work on important legislation achieved in Trenton that year.

Dr. Faistl was a true believer in the power of family medicine and one of NJAFP’s greatest supporters. His passion and dedication to the field were unmatched and he acted as a mentor and inspiration to many in the Academy. He will be deeply missed by all those who had the pleasure to know him.
Our sincerest condolences go out to Dr. Faistl’s family during this very difficult time.

For funeral information: https://claytonfuneralhome.com/tribute/details/3657/Kenneth-Faistl-MD/obituary.html#content-start

To learn more about Dr. Faistl, read his Physician Profile that was featured in Perspectives Magazine here: https://njfamilydocs.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Faistl.pdf

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