Oppose APN Scope of Practice Expansion Legislation
Family Physicians Act Now: Oppose APN Scope of Practice Expansion Legislation
The New Jersey Legislature is considering a bill (S1522/A2286) that would allow APNs and CRNAs to practice independently outside of a physician-led team and without any physician supervision or collaboration. APNs nationally have been promoting independent practice in all specialties – from primary care to anesthesia – and they are now targeting New Jersey. Legislators are hearing from nurses in their communities; now they need to hear from you. We urge you to contact your local state senators and assembly members immediately to share your concerns about APNs practicing without physician involvement and why doing so is not good for patients. It is important for lawmakers to know how true collaboration works in your practices and hospital settings, and that your patients want physicians involved in their care.
The New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians, our partners in the Access to Care Coalition and MSNJ need your help educating lawmakers that this significant, unnecessary change will degrade quality of care and fail to increase access or reduce costs. Please click here to send a letter to your state lawmakers, urging them to oppose Senate Bill 1522 and Assembly Bill 2286. You can use the pre-drafted letter we have provided or edit to your liking – it only takes a few minutes. Your patients are counting on you.