Peter Carrazzone, MD, FAAFP, of Stillwater Township, Elected President of the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians

New NJAFP president Peter Carrazzone, MD, FAAFP speaks at the 2017 Annual Scientific Assembly in Atlantic City, NJ
Trenton, N.J. – The New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians (NJAFP) recently announced the election of Peter Carrazzone, MD, FAAFP, as president at the NJAFP’s Annual Scientific Assembly in Atlantic City.
The NJAFP, the largest primary care medical specialty society in the state, is a leader in health care practice transformation and advocacy, advancing the specialty of family medicine and improving access to high quality health care for patients. As president, Dr. Carrazzone serves as the chief elected officer, representing the membership and the best interests of the Academy. In addition to serving as a motivating force for other officers, board members, committee members, staff and membership, Dr. Carrazzone will influence the establishment of goals and objectives for the organization during his term of office.
During his acceptance speech, Dr. Carrazzone stressed that he did not take his new position lightly. He pledged to represent all NJAFP members, from the debt-ridden family medicine resident, to the family physician working in academic medicine, to the solo and large group family physicians and more.
“For our patients. For our families. For the specialty of Family Medicine, this is the time we must be advocates,” he said. “This is the time we need to communicate to our legislators. This is the time our collective voice needs to be heard. This is the time to promote value and quality. This is the time to promote a stronger primary care infrastructure to insurances and our government. This is the time to cure a broken healthcare system. This is the time for Family Medicine!”
Dr. Carrazzone also outlined key issues he would address during his presidency, including family medicine resident debt and loan forgiveness, alternative practice models, MIPS and MACRA education, physician burnout and insurance relations.
“I can promise this board will be focused and work tirelessly to improve the Academy and the landscape for family physicians in this state,” he said.
Dr. Carrazzone resides in Stillwater Township and currently practices family medicine with Vanguard Medical Group in North Haledon, where he also serves on the Executive Team. He is also the medical director for John Victor Machuga Diabetic Center at St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital. Always active in NJAFP, he has served as the chairman of the government affairs committee for the last three years.
He earned his medical degree from St. George’s University School of Medicine in Grenada, West Indies, and completed his residency in family practice at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Paterson. He has taught at UMDNJ in Newark, William Paterson University in Wayne, and Seton Hall University’s School of Graduate Study.
During the annual celebration, NJAFP also announced the elected officers of the Board of Trustees, including:
- President-Elect – Lauren Carruth, MD
- Vice President – Maria F. Ciminelli, MD
- Treasurer – Michael A. Cascarina, MD
- Secretary – Kelly G. Ussery-Kronhaus, MD